Resource finder system (databases)
Valid non-reference databases
Search in the list of journals of authoritative databases
Search in the list of valid journals (source finder system)
Search the list of Clarivate Analytics journals
Search the list of Chemical Abstracts journals
Search the CINAHL Complete journal list
Search the list of Index Copernicus journals
Search the IMEMR journal list
Search the list of ISC journals
Rating systems
ARWU Shanghai University Rankings
QS university ranking
Times Higher Education University Rankings
Leiden University Ranking
HEEACT university ranking
SIR - SCImago Institutions Rankings
SJR - SCImago Journal and Country Rank
URAP - University Ranking by Academic Performance
ISC ranking of universities in the Islamic world
Webometrics university ranking
Web ranking of universities 4ICU
G-factor academic ranking
Academic ranking of OIC Islamic Conference Organization
Newsweek University Rankings
ISC ranking of Iranian universities